P & J

Somehow or other, it never IS the wine, in these cases. -- The Pickwick Papers

Saturday, December 03, 2005

So, in the pit, you have a guy struggling on the natural horn; and on the stage you could have a guy dressed like Tinkerbell performing a sex act

In an article this weekend that is more than a little condescending from the Financial Times, "Opera in America may lag behind Europe in innovative stagings ..."

Damn good thing, I say.

Of course, I must inform my European readers that the American Opera companies are tripping over themselves trying to turn the opera halls of North America into look-a-likes of the Euro-trash Discotheque that was once the Salzburg Mozarteum. I've been pained by productions of Rigoletto that where supposed to be the "iconaclastic", and a Handel opera that was supposed to be MGM musical. In all the cases the evening was ruined and the music tainted. The opera companies are looking for relevance, but the audience will simply start staying at home, listen to recordings. Better than being "shocked" by something that is not shocking, only childish.

Nothing is worse than Salzbug! I have never been, but like the crazy man that I am, I keep up with what is going on at the Festival. Just read this article. But why can't Salzburg put on an opera without nude under-age children? Or transvestites? Or fetisheque sexual innuendo? Why, in other words, can't they just put on Operas like when I was a kid?


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