And We Are "The Great Satan"?
"Generally, any variation in the sex ratio exceeding 106 boys born per 100 girls born can be assumed to be evidence of the practice of sex selection. Here, from the most recent figures available (8/03), are just a few examples of skewed sex ratios around the world today. The sex ratio at birth of boys to 100 girls in Venezuela is 107.5; in Yugoslavia 108.6; in Egypt 108.7; in Hong Kong 109.7; in South Korea 110; in Pakistan 110.9; in Delhi, India, 117; in China 117; in Cuba 118; and in the Caucasus nations of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia, the sex ratio has reached as high as 120. While the sex ratio in the United States has remained stable at 104.8."
So Moslem nations, Egypt & Pakistan, use abortion to have sons. Orthodox nations, Yugoslavia & Armenia (of all places Armenia!!!), and Catholic ones (Venezuela & Cuba). Where are the western nations? Well they arn't having any children.