P & J

Somehow or other, it never IS the wine, in these cases. -- The Pickwick Papers

Saturday, September 18, 2004

The Political Animal

I Cannot help but think that I am trivializing the whole blog thing. Most people use their blogs to write about politics, religion, or people who are getting around the campaign finance reform law and giving millions to Kerry or Bush. In short blogs should be used by crazy people. People who have something to say and a computer. Granted no one wants to read about their ranting, and that is why they are not writing for The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal. There are of course exceptions to this rule, but they don't really count. To back this up, check out Terry Teachout's blog (he is the Journal's drama critic, music critic for Commentary, and (for all of us right wing Catholics) Crisis Magazine's Movie Critic). I only went there once, but wow was it bad, and this is from a guy who just had Yale University Press publish a collection of his essays.

Do I have a point? Well no, but I do have an opinion. I don't think that blogs are going to change the world just make us worse writers, and maybe a little more self-important. However, if blogs do end up changing the world, then I want a piece of it. Kind like if the the Neo-cons stopped running the world and the Sierra Club took over I would up and join the club and start screaming about baby seals or whatever.

That might sound a little cynical, but I will start talking nothing but politics in my blog. Also read fast because if the winds of opinion chang, then I'll start writing about how Globalization is evil, and "Bush lied, people died".

Speaking of Bush, guess who I saw on Tuesday. Damn, you guessed. That's right I stood in a group of 18 thousand screaming republicans, and I screamed my voice horse. I has having so much fun I screamed for things I didn't even care about. Why do I care if every rural county has a medical clinic? But when George II told me about it I screamed like Sarah Michele Geller before she gets he head cut off in Scream Two.

Once again that sounds a little cynical. I do really care about politics, and I want every one to vote for Bush this year. If you do not agree, then write and I will lay down the five reasons (my five reasons, that is I came up with them) why you should vote for Bush. Just to tempt you the war in Iraq does not show up any where in these five reasons.


Blogger ridley said...

Ok, too much to comment on at once:

Dan: NOOOO!!! Keep writing about random shit, like the definition of art! Political blogs are populated by wanking fools! Then again, so is politics (so are politics? that doesn't sound right)!
My own political standpoint is that I'm going to vote for Bush wholeheartedly, but I refuse to discuss why I think it's a good idea. Politics by gut feeling, that's me. And yes, I realize it would be a Bad Thing if everyone felt that way.

Deanne: Now you have a bloggy thing! You know what this means--you have to start posting random shit on your blog. I'm serious, it's so much fun. It may even be fun enough for me to post again, it's been like 10 days or something.

1:16 AM PDT  

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